Virtual Try On

Virtual Try On

It allows the virtual try-ons of accessories and clothing items through the support of a device with an integrated camera.

Virtual Try On is a combination of Augmented Reality and Computer Vision technologies. It allows to preview clothing items, accessories, cosmetics, and aesthetic modifications through a device.
The Augmented Reality layer overlays onto the physical reality, enabling users to virtually try on clothing items, accessories, and even make-up. However, Virtual Try On also allows the placement of digital objects in the environment, so you can see how the sofa you like would look in your living room. Furthermore, you can virtually customize everyday objects by trying different colors, shapes, and textures.

VIrtual Try On

Why using Virtual Try On?

This technological application finds space in a wide range of different business sectors, from fashion to automotive. Safilo VirtualEyes is an example of Virtual Try On for eyewear, which applies the technology to the fashion industry. However, retail shops and brands also benefit from it as they allow customers to virtually try on makeup, earrings or clothes without physical samples. There is also the world of furniture where Virtual Try On previews furniture and home accessories. And then there is the automotive industry: imagine being able to configure the color and finishes of your new car by seeing it in front of you in a one-to-one scale, directly from your smartphone screen.

Un'applicazione della realtà aumentata per l'arredamento che mostra un tavolo virtuale

Do you want to know more?

In addition to eliminating physical and logistical distances, Virtual Try On allows you to contextualize desired objects on yourself or in your own environment. The purchasing process becomes much smoother and faster as a result. Virtual Try On improves the Selling Experience, and it is an investment for brands that want to keep up with the trends.

The User Experience is significantly improved thanks to Augmented Reality. Previewing products and services through Virtual Try On will undoubtedly become the new standard of the coming decades.